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Mp3s for Anxiety

  Autohypnosis for Anxiety

Overcome worry and stress using audio-therapy

Anxiety is a normal reaction to stress. It helps a person to deal with a tense situation. In general, it helps one cope, when anxiety becomes excessive, and irrational it becomes a disabling disorder, which can be greatly helped with self hypnosis.

Types of anxiety:

  • Generalized Anxiety Disorder
  • Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
  • Panic Attacks and Panic Disorder
  • Phobias
  • Separation Anxiety
  • Social Anxiety / Social Phobia


Hypnotherapy and self hypnosis is the best method of dealing with this stress by replacing the old worrisome messages with new affirmations for self control self worth, value and relaxation.

Anxiety is a strong feeling of nervousness, apprehension, fear, or worry. Some fears and worries are justified, such as worry about your children, or anticipation of taking a test, or an exam. Anxiety interferes with the persons ability to sleep, can cause panic attacks, and numerous other physical symptoms. Anxiety may occur without a cause, or it may occur based on a real situation but exaggerated. Severe anxiety can be very serious and stressing, and interfere with daily life. The hypnosis Mp3 sessions will help you to remain totally relaxed and tranquil and learn how to react to stressful situations in a calm correct manner. you will soon be able to confront problems with a more organized and relaxing manner with a calm but responsible attitude. Simple key anchor words are all you need to reach back into a deep relaxing state in seconds where you can see each problem without worrying and calmly find the solutions. You will soon begin to see the real importance of each stressful situation without any exaggeration. Hypnosis can help you by planting new messages deep into your subconscious mind so that many of your relaxing states will appear automatically.


Anxiety Panic

Here is a list of some symptoms of a panic attack or stress:
  • Shortness of breath
  • Distressed
  • Trembling or shaking
  • Nausea or stomach distress
  • Fear of losing control or going crazy
  • Hot or cold flashes
  • Palpitations or pounding heart
  • Chest pain or discomfort

A key symptom of chronic stress is anxiety that is persistent over a long time (longer than 6 months) and widespread on a wide range of events or activities (such as work or school performance), not being restricted to a particular situation in phobias or appeared only in the form of crisis, as in the case of panic disorder. The state of almost permanent anxiety, fluctuating slightly during the day and affecting the quality of sleep.

Anxiety is often linked to concerns over (called apprehensive expectation). For example, fear that a close relative or person who suffers from this disorder may have an accident, illness or death. The person finds it difficult to control this state of constant concern.

Anxiety and worry are associated with 3 or more of the following symptoms:

  • Nervousness, restlessness or impatience
  • Fatigue (tiredness) easy
  • Difficulty concentrating or making the mind blank
  • Irritability
  • Muscle tension, tremor, headache (headache), a movement of the legs and inability to relax
  • Sleep disorders: difficulty in reconciling or maintaining sleep or waking up feeling tired
  • Sweating, palpitations or tachycardia, gastrointestinal problems, dry mouth, distressed, hyperventilation (increase in the number of breaths per minute)
  • Stress, worry or physical symptoms cause significant discomfort or a deterioration in family relationships, social, occupational or other important areas of activity of the person.


Stress symptoms in generalized anxiety disorder are constant unlike what happens in panic disorder where panic-anxiety appears as paroxysmal and usually lasts no more than 30 minutes but leaves the patient with a lot more fear to feed a new crisis. This "fear of fear" is called "anticipatory anxiety" and can be confused with generalized anxiety disorder. It is also important to rule out that the symptoms of stress are not due to the intake of any substance or stimulant: caffeine, amphetamines or a medical illness (e.g. hyperthyroidism).


Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD)

is much more than what a normal person experiences in their daily lives. Chronic tension and concern prevails even if there was no real cause to provoke these symptoms. The suffering in this disorder means always anticipating disaster, often overly concerned with health, money, family or work. However, sometimes the root of this concern is difficult to locate. The mere fact of thinking, or addressing the day can cause anxiety.

Case Report

"I always thought I was apprehensive. I felt restless and could not rest. Sometimes these feelings came and went. Other times they were constant. They could last for days. I was worried if I was going out for dinner to prepare for the party or what would be a great gift for someone. Just could not leave anything behind. It was this tension that I experienced that at times made me desperate. A horrible feeling.

He had problems sleeping. There were stressful times when waking in the morning or in the middle of the night, sweating and shivering. I worked hard to concentrate even while reading the newspaper or a book. Sometimes I felt a bit distressed. My heart beat was too fast or hit me in the chest. This worried me even more. all day long I was concerned about what could happen, could not concentrate on the present, or routine tasks. I had about three weeks listening to the self-hypnosis and was like a miracle, now I control my own emotions, I relax when I want to relax."


Treatment of panic, stress and anxiety

Treatment of Generalized Anxiety Disorder includes the use of specific forms of medication and psychotherapy, the most effective treatment for GAD typically combine psychotherapy and hypnosis, hypnotherapy.

Symptoms of stress and panic depend on the culture, age and sex:

There is considerable variation in terms of cultural expression of stress (e.g. in some cultures the anxiety is expressed through somatic symptoms and other symptoms through cognitive). It is important to take into account the cultural context to assess the excessive nature of some concerns. In children and adolescents with generalized anxiety disorder, anxiety and concerns tend to refer to the performance or competition in the school or sports, even when these individuals are evaluated by others. Sometimes time is the issue that concerns focused excessive. Other times, catastrophic events like earthquakes or nuclear war. Children who have the disorder can be displayed openly conformists, perfectionists, and unsure of themselves inclined to repeat their dissatisfaction by excessive work in the light of the results fail to reach perfection. In pursuing the approval of others may show a suspicious characteristic; excessive need to ensure the quality of their performance or other issues that motivate their concern.

In general, the symptoms of GAD tend to decrease with age.

The disorder is slightly more common in women than in men when studying samples of medical centers (approximately 55-60% of diagnoses are made by women). In epidemiological studies of the general population of women is two thirds for women.



Anxiety Panic

Here is a list of some symptoms of a panic attack or stress:
  • Shortness of breath
  • Distressed
  • Trembling or shaking
  • Nausea or stomach distress
  • Fear of losing control or going crazy
  • Hot or cold flashes
  • Palpitations or pounding heart
  • Chest pain or discomfort

A key symptom of chronic stress is anxiety that is persistent over a long time (longer than 6 months) and widespread on a wide range of events or activities (such as work or school performance), not being restricted to a particular situation in phobias or appeared only in the form of crisis, as in the case of panic disorder. The state of almost permanent anxiety, fluctuating slightly during the day and affecting the quality of sleep.

Anxiety is often linked to concerns over (called apprehensive expectation). For example, fear that a close relative or person who suffers from this disorder may have an accident, illness or death. The person finds it difficult to control this state of constant concern.

Anxiety and worry are associated with 3 or more of the following symptoms:

  • Nervousness, restlessness or impatience
  • Fatigue (tiredness) easy
  • Difficulty concentrating or making the mind blank
  • Irritability
  • Muscle tension, tremor, headache (headache), a movement of the legs and inability to relax
  • Sleep disorders: difficulty in reconciling or maintaining sleep or waking up feeling tired
  • Sweating, palpitations or tachycardia, gastrointestinal problems, dry mouth, distressed, hyperventilation (increase in the number of breaths per minute)
  • Stress, worry or physical symptoms cause significant discomfort or a deterioration in family relationships, social, occupational or other important areas of activity of the person.


Stress symptoms in generalized anxiety disorder are constant unlike what happens in panic disorder where panic-anxiety appears as paroxysmal and usually lasts no more than 30 minutes but leaves the patient with a lot more fear to feed a new crisis. This "fear of fear" is called "anticipatory anxiety" and can be confused with generalized anxiety disorder. It is also important to rule out that the symptoms of stress are not due to the intake of any substance or stimulant: caffeine, amphetamines or a medical illness (e.g. hyperthyroidism).


Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD)

is much more than what a normal person experiences in their daily lives. Chronic tension and concern prevails even if there was no real cause to provoke these symptoms. The suffering in this disorder means always anticipating disaster, often overly concerned with health, money, family or work. However, sometimes the root of this concern is difficult to locate. The mere fact of thinking, or addressing the day can cause anxiety.

Case Report

"I always thought I was apprehensive. I felt restless and could not rest. Sometimes these feelings came and went. Other times they were constant. They could last for days. I was worried if I was going out for dinner to prepare for the party or what would be a great gift for someone. Just could not leave anything behind. It was this tension that I experienced that at times made me desperate. A horrible feeling.

He had problems sleeping. There were stressful times when waking in the morning or in the middle of the night, sweating and shivering. I worked hard to concentrate even while reading the newspaper or a book. Sometimes I felt a bit distressed. My heart beat was too fast or hit me in the chest. This worried me even more. all day long I was concerned about what could happen, could not concentrate on the present, or routine tasks. I had about three weeks listening to the self-hypnosis and was like a miracle, now I control my own emotions, I relax when I want to relax."


Treatment of panic, stress and anxiety

Treatment of Generalized Anxiety Disorder includes the use of specific forms of medication and psychotherapy, the most effective treatment for GAD typically combine psychotherapy and hypnosis, hypnotherapy.

Symptoms of stress and panic depend on the culture, age and sex:

There is considerable variation in terms of cultural expression of stress (e.g. in some cultures the anxiety is expressed through somatic symptoms and other symptoms through cognitive). It is important to take into account the cultural context to assess the excessive nature of some concerns. In children and adolescents with generalized anxiety disorder, anxiety and concerns tend to refer to the performance or competition in the school or sports, even when these individuals are evaluated by others. Sometimes time is the issue that concerns focused excessive. Other times, catastrophic events like earthquakes or nuclear war. Children who have the disorder can be displayed openly conformists, perfectionists, and unsure of themselves inclined to repeat their dissatisfaction by excessive work in the light of the results fail to reach perfection. In pursuing the approval of others may show a suspicious characteristic; excessive need to ensure the quality of their performance or other issues that motivate their concern.

In general, the symptoms of GAD tend to decrease with age.

The disorder is slightly more common in women than in men when studying samples of medical centers (approximately 55-60% of diagnoses are made by women). In epidemiological studies of the general population of women is two thirds for women.