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Mp3s for Snoring


Hypnosis to Quit Snoring

Hypnotherapy for apnea and snoring

Hypnosis is an excellent way to control apnea and sleep without snoring. For a deeper better sleep and a more healthy breathing pattern. Snoring is produced by vibration that makes the soft palate to move the air during sleep, and which arise to collapse the soft parts between the oral cavity and pharynx.

Typically, the problem manifests itself when the subject is beginning to fall asleep.  Snoring is currently a growing interest in our society and is among the issues of great importance to health, as well as disturbing, is disturbing and not just in terms of social and family environment, but also from the medical point of view, because it alters the pattern of sleep and deprived of adequate rest. Hypnotherapy is one of the best methods to control this habit by replacing old messages in the mind.

According to a study by the Spanish Society of Pneumology and Thoracic Surgery (SEPAR), 60 percent of adult men snore while sleeping on a regular basis, compared with 40 percent of women over age. Most cases are mild and are recognized solved with a simple correction of the position, but may also be due to an organic problem (deviation of the nasal septum, etc.), or the softening of the tissues of the tongue, throat and palate.  

According to experts stress sleep disorders, snoring occur much more frequently in men than in women, although no one knows very well why. Thus, they note that "units of sleep, the ratio is 10 to 1 in favor of them, but this may be due to more women push her husband to go to such units, or simply that more and more snoring strong and not listen to your partner.

In addition, for some reason do not know, during the reproductive age women have fewer respiratory problems, but once you reach menopause starts snoring again. " Snoring are also closely related to the position. Thus, experts point out that are more common in those who are going to face up to those who make it upside down or sideways, hence the big snorers tend to sleep looking at the ceiling. The medical explanation is that during sleep, muscle relaxation makes the jaw drop and mouth is slightly ajar, so the tongue falls back if the person is sleeping face up. That means that to impede the passage of air and breathing becomes noisy.

So a person can snore for different reasons: decreased muscle tone in the language or the pharyngeal muscles, enlargement of the tonsils and adenoids, as occurs in children and obese people, excessive length of the soft palate and the bell , obstruction of nasal airway, and so on.

There are also a number of factors that promote snoring, these include obesity, alcohol, tranquilizers or snuff, and alterations of the nostrils as septum deviation, polyps or rhinitis. However, snoring can sometimes be a symptom of certain health problems, among which stands known as the sleep apnea syndrome (OSAHS), had now estimates the pneumologists by 2 per cent of women and about 4 percent of adult men, a figure of around one million in Spain. In the case of sleep apnea, snoring taken a very striking because usually little estentóreos and regular.

According to highlights from the SEPAR, "a person who actually takes ten or more breathless seconds, realized that he needs to breathe air and tried to catch up in an instant, should see a doctor, because sleep apnea as well as causing excessive sleepiness the next day, has been linked to problems of hypertension, heart disease and a likelihood of traffic accidents multiplied by six to a normal driver."

In addition, people suffering from the syndrome also tend to show other symptoms like headache, feeling of not having rested at night, irritability, restless sleep with frequent convulsions, loss of sexual desire, enuresis (involuntary urination), and problems attention and memory, among others. In addition to physical consequences for the chronic disorder that can become a serious problem for their partners, the conclusions of a study by a team of researchers from the University of Surrey (United Kingdom), which analyzed the case of 25 couples, many women lose between one and five hours of sleep a week your partner's snoring.

Women seem to feel ashamed of their snoring, but it is important to seek help and find out (like men) if the snoring is harmful to their health or not.

As a treatment which often includes hypnosis , it is generally recommended :

  • exercise to improve muscle tone and help you lose weight
  • avoid substances such as alcohol, sleeping pills,
  • tranquilizers and antihistamines with sedative effects
  • not make copious meals at least the three hours
  • before going to bed,
  • setting a pace of regular sleep-wake,
  • not sleeping on your back
  • quit smoking.