Mp3s for Chat Addictions


Quit Chat / Messenger

Hypnotherapy to treat addictions with chat

Excessive use of chat or instant messaging can lead to Internet addiction. Because online communication constantly shift, some users find themselves sucked into a cycle of logging online to avoid "missing" something. Signs of addiction can include feeling guilty about time spent online or neglecting loved ones to spend time online.

Hypnosis is the best way to control this downward spiral of chat addiction. Maintaining a balanced quality of life in the real world is also important.

These self hypnosis audios will give you the self esteem and confidence to be able to socialize and meet real friends, in real places. Maybe feeling anonymous about sharing your intimate thoughts or concerns in the privacy of your computer seems fine. But remember that hardly anything that takes place online can be considered private. Beware of sharing bad views or insults towards your boss, workers, family members or friends, because they maybe part of the same network using a different name. Over-sharing can lead to identity theft,diminished reputation, or just feeling bad.