Mp3s for childbirth


Easy Child Birth

Painless labor using auto-hypnosis

With this new audio session you will learn how to breathe correctly, how to take in the right amount of oxygen for you and your baby, control your energy levels and reduce or diminish the pain. you will learn how to produce more endorphins and pain reducing hormones.

The audio recordings will set the scene at birth so that on the actual day you will have done so many dress rehearsals that everything flows natural and relaxed. Using the method of visualization and sound effects you are guided through the process over and over until you learn how to breathe,when and how to push, how to conserve energy, relax, and how to control the pain.

You will be given a special key anchor word to use when actually giving birth to order your subconscious mind to control your breathing, to reduce the pain, release endorphins, and to automatically make you feel relaxed and tranquil.