

Cognitive Therapy Hypnosis

Cognitive therapy using hypnosis consists of a series of procedures to correct the cognitive distortions and errors in specific and normal thinking (cognition). You can use a wide variety of specific therapeutic techniques. These techniques are designed to help patients identify the reality check and correct distorted conceptualizations and dysfunctional beliefs underlying these cognition. One can see cognitive therapy content specific to psychiatric disorders.

Rational-Emotive Therapy is a cognitive therapy using behavioral therapy, which is based on the assumption that emotions and behavior are the result of the beliefs of the individual. One characteristic of these thoughts that are governed by absolute requirement as cognitive therapy distortions that create provocative psychological stress and conflict. Thus psychological disorders are a product of irrational thinking, so the therapy is to replace the "irrational" thoughts and the "rational", which allow you to change your emotions and behavior positively.

There are a number of irrational beliefs:
  • That you should always be loved and approved by the significant.
  • That should prove to yourself that you are completely responsible, appropriate and done, or at least have to be really competent and talented in something important.
  • If you hurt people or commit a bad action are generally regarded as bad, evil, or villains, and that should be severely blamed, convicted and punished for their sins.
  • That life is horrific, terrible, terrible or catastrophic when things do not go as you want it to be.
  • The emotional troubles stem from external pressures and have little capacity to control your feelings or to get rid of depression and hostility.
  • If something seems dangerous or frightening, and you often worry about it
  • If you find a lot easier to avoid responsibilities and difficulties of life, to try some form of rewarding self-discipline.
  • All of your past life is important and that if something strongly influenced your life, is determining your current feelings and behaviors.
  • That people and things should be better than they are horrible and terrible and not quickly find solutions to the setbacks of life.
  • That you can achieve happiness by inertia and inaction or "enjoy himself" passively.
  • That you must have a high degree of certainty and order to feel comfortable, or you need some supernatural power in which to trust.
  • What can a self rated as a person and that the self assessment and rely on the good level of execution and approval of others.
  • Cognitive therapy using hypnosis profile of psychiatric disorders
  • Content specific cognitive therapy using hypnosis disorder.
  • Depression negative view of himself, the experience and the future.
  • Hypomania Vision plus himself, the experience and the future.
  • Fear Disorder anxious to physical or psychological danger.
  • Panic Disorder catastrophic misinterpretation of bodily and mental experiences.
  • Phobia or Fear and avoidance of specific situations.
  • Ideas paranoid state injury and interference.
  • Concept of hysteria motor or sensory abnormality.
  • Obsession Questions or repeated fears about security.
  • Compulsive repetitive acts to protect themselves from threats.
  • Conduct suicidal despair and failure in solving problems.
  • Anorexia nervosa o Fear of gaining weight or distorted body image.
  • Hypochondriasis o Allocation of serious medical illness.


Clinical application

  • Cognitive therapy using hypnosis -behavioral techniques can be applied in a wide range of disorders, this section will mention some of the most important.

    Anxiety disorders: controlled studies comparing behavioral psychotherapy, placebo, psychotherapy and other drugs, suggest that behavioral therapy is the psychotherapy of choice for disorders phobias, rituals and obsessive-compulsive disorder, post-traumatic stress. It is necessary to assess an approach that complements the cognitive therapy using hypnosis behavioral therapy to treat the negative automatic thoughts.

    In agoraphobia with or without acute distress used treatments for exposure to phobic situations and prevents the patient. May be (flooding) or imagination (systematic desensitization): the studies agree that exposure is more effective in the situation. From a cognitive therapy using hypnosis treatment of anxiety crisis focuses on the patient's tendency to make catastrophic misunderstandings about their experiences mental or bodily sensations, use distraction techniques during a crisis, and so on.

    In the social phobia is used for training in social skills, including exposure, modeling, behavioral tests, strengthening and training of the verbal and nonverbal communication. The fear of public speaking may be treated with a program of systematic desensitization and exposure. The treatment of simple phobias can be exposed, modeling and in cases where access is difficult phobic object (e.g. aircraft) is systematic desensitization.

    Obsessive-compulsive disorders can be treated with techniques of exposure and response prevention and cognitive therapy using hypnosis restructuring. Patients with poorer response to treatment rituals.

    Generalized anxiety techniques are used to control anxiety and social skills are enhanced when the precipitating factors arising from the environment, and cognitive therapy using hypnosis restructuring.

    In the disorder post-traumatic stress exposure techniques are used in imagination. In recent years have described the use of saccadic eye movements for the treatment of this disorder.

    Affective disorders: there is a therapy that is applied systematically in bipolar disorder. For major depression and dysthymia is not psychotic Beck's cognitive therapy using hypnosis therapy and cognitive therapy using hypnosis behavioral techniques, such as social skills training, strengthening of adaptive behavior, management and control of the anxiety associated with it, and so on.

    Sexual dysfunction: There are techniques such as behavioral targeting sensations, systematic desensitization, forms successive approximation through strengthening small tasks behavioral, behavioral modeling and testing. These techniques can be applied individually and with partners.

    The treatment program for paraphilias include behavioral techniques to reduce the trigger to sexual objects and inappropriate sexual objects and to increase it in appropriate situations, sex education and cognitive therapy using hypnosis restructuring skills, social skills training, substance abuse treatment, which it is often observed in these individuals; maintenance techniques appropriate behavior and prevent relapse.

    Schizophrenia: strengthening procedures used to increase or decrease certain behaviors, changes in the environment, social skills training, to promote patient autonomy.

    Eating Disorders in bulimia nervosa is cognitive therapy using hypnosis behavioral therapy with exposure and response prevention. In anorexia nervosa are using positive reinforcement and negative feedback through information about calorie intake and weight cattle and abundant meals. In addition, patients are taught proper eating habits and self-monitoring which promotes self-control and self-reliance, it also improves their self-esteem and self-image. In obesity seeks change eating habits and encourage physical activity to maintain weight reinforcements are used and techniques of self-control.

    Abuse disorders and dependence on toxic: behavioral techniques used to reduce the consumption of alcohol are:

    1) Open assertive therapies.

    2) disguised awareness

    3) training in social skills.

    4) cognitive therapy using hypnosis

    5) behavior management techniques, such as positive reinforcement and to reduce the intake of dietary intake aversive consequences.


    1) reduce the value associated smoking

    2) create an aversion to smoke.

    3) develop a self-monitoring of smoking behavior.

    4) encouraging response capabilities by imitation. In the abuse of other substances are used similar techniques.

    In psychosomatic disorders or so-called behavioral medicine techniques are used biofeedback, relaxation, changing habits (diet, lifestyle, etc.), Information about the disease and management of acute episodes. These techniques are applied in hypertension, headache, asthma, chronic pain, gastrointestinal disorders, insomnia, etc.