Mp3s for Dreaming


 Hypnosis for Dreaming

A dependable dream recall will help in many ways, so it's important that you don't develop it in a halfhearted manner. Simply waking up in the morning and trying to recall the dreams you had throughout the course of the night is not enough.

To become proficient with dream recall you'll need to be able to recall a few dreams per night. Losing a night here and there to stress or anxiety is understandable, but be careful not to fall into a rut. Awaking during or shortly after dream REM periods is tricky, but there are a couple methods to aid in this. The first method simply involves attempting to time your awakening via an alarm clock so that you'll awake during a dreaming REM period. As discussed in the section on stages of sleep, the dream REM periods occur roughly every 90 minutes. Aiming for the latter dream REM periods (about 4.5, 6, or 7.5 hours into sleep) is best because those are the longest dream periods. The second method is similar but not as easy to regulate: drink a lot of water before going to bed can help to increase dream recall.


To be able to eventually control your dreams you're going to have to focus your intent on doing so. Therefore a better method of recalling your dreams is to focus your intent on remembering them before falling asleep, since this will prepare you for eventually attempting to control your dreams.   

Everyone dreams every night, regardless of what some may say. Those who claim that they do not dream simply don't remember their dreams. Some people naturally remember their dreams; many of us, however, lose our ability to recall our dreams as we grow older due to the relentless stress and concerns of our every day lives.





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