Mp3s for weightloss

 Flat Stomach

self hypnosis programs for flat stomach

This 10 CD pack (Mp3) includes various weight-loss programs including methods for maintaining a perfect hormone release and balance for satiety and slimming. Album 1 helps us to automatically keep the stomach tucked in, especially in the presence of others. Messages are planted deep into your mind to help control eating binges, nutrition. Including the fitness while you sleep album.

Fat consumption for weight loss

It's a popular belief that we shouldn't consume more than 18% fat but we should take into account that cholesterol is not toxic, and is an essential nutrient.

We need cholesterol for the biosynthesis of billi, essential acids that our body uses to metabolize fat. Cortisone, as well as the sex hormones, are produced using cholesterol, and if we lack this important nutrient we could end up with a stronger appetite for greasy food.

There is a hormone found in the stomach called Oxyntomodulin that greatly reduces our appetite. Ghrelin and leptin increase our appetite. Foods high in protein greatly reduce our levels of ghrelin while fatty foods and fructose have the opposite effect.

One of the best ways to reduce levels of leptin is by consuming Omega 3 oils from fish and by consuming more frequent meals.

Obesity and Hypnosis

Obesity is probably the most common problem in nutrition, highly ignored, even though it affects more than 50% of the population of industrialized countries.

Self-hypnosis is the best way to lose true real fat, unlike the typical yo-yo diets. The progress and weight-loss is much more permanent because the subconscious mind has replaced and reprogrammed the factors.

There are different causes: endocrinal, hormonal, psychological. But the truth is that a big part of obesity is due to over eating.