Mp3s for Karma


 Positive Karma

There are various types of karma, but what we are interested in can sometimes be called instant karma. Basically a law, theory, doctrine whereby our actions create reactions. Like Newtons cause and effect theory, everything has an equal effect. Our very own subconscious mind can show us how to act in our daily lives in order to attract a positive karma, and achieve all our goals, dreams, plans, ideas, ambitions, and enjoy life to the full.

This autosuggestive Mp3 program has been designed to increase your motivation for positive actions and thus positive results.

Using hypnosis to improve your karma

There are various types of karma, but what we are interested in can sometimes be called instant karma. Basically a law, theory, doctrine whereby our actions create reactions. Like Newtons cause and effect theory, everything has an equal effect.

So if you steal a car today, what will happen?

You'll probably suffer the loss of some material property in your near future.

Here is my formula for Good-Luck, although yet again cannot be measured or compared. As long as it cannot be measured there can be no proof of my theory, but I have been testing, recording and experimenting with the formula daily for the past 8 years, and have come to the conclusion with overwhelming probability that I can attract luck. (good and bad)


Positive Action x ( Desire + Passion) = Happiness.... A x ( D+ P)=H

e.g.. To be the cause (or part of a cause) of creating positive results. Your deed or action will produce energy to fulfill your wish multiplied by passion. Passion is enhanced by using repetitive affirmations, visualization and /or self-hypnosis.




Positive Karma for Good Luck

Is there any benefit in using a good luck charm o attract good luck?

I doubt if any good luck symbol would have any benefit on it's own merit, but could help to create a faith and also positive visualization, always with a positive karma.

How can I attract good luck for bringing wealth, fortune, and abundance in my life?

If you need good luck to bring prosperity then self hypnosis for karma is the best method to create a positive harmony with a secret law of attraction using your karma and repeating lucky affirmations.

How can I attract good luck with the secret law of attraction?

The first step is to embed positive good luck messages into the subconscious mind using self hypnosis with mental symbols of good luck charms.


Cause and Effect This is the law of retribution.

I believe in Newton's theory: "every action has an equal and opposite reaction". Negative actions lead to negative consequences; (often called karma) while positive actions will attract positive results. This ethical causation varies individually and personally.( he may like it, she may hate it ) I consider my actions flying away and bouncing off a mirror reflecting back to me. May take a few seconds to reflect or even a lifetime. In my past, ignorant about karma, I suffered great bad luck..... there's no result without cause :

So I don't blame others for my problems; every experience comes from my own actions. If the damage is done and I am the cause or part of the cause then my debt has been etched into stone. If we examine our actions, and become really mindful of them, we will see that there is a pattern that repeats itself. The best insurance is lots of beneficial karma. Clean up your karma and start today, let your wheels of fortune spin down the road of prosperity, wealth, abundance, cash, happiness, love, health and luck. Just like rolling stones or seeds, small negative actions may give rise to extensive suffering, while small positive actions may give rise to extensive happiness. A tiny spark can burn down my house. Tiny drops of water can eventually fill up a large jar. My motto is sow to reap, to know what you're sowing, and expect your rewards. Help others to help myself. If in the end we all benefit, who cares about the reasons, the results are more important. If you become a rich, wealthy millionaire, and earn a fortune with an abundance of cash, and at the same time you continue to help others in need, then your actions are purely positive, beneficial, and with a helpful progressive cause. Whatever religion or belief, helping others also gives that feeling of satisfaction, especially when you see the results, like a smile from a hungry child. I make a plan of exactly what I want and focus on that true desire and stick with it, but careful in choosing my main wish, and try to make it something powerful, something to change my life, and wish for things that make me happier. If I am about to concentrate all my passion on one thing, and use up my karmic credits then I make sure I know what I want with certainty, because karma is like a genie's lamp, with limited wishes. Bad-luck is half what is thrown at me; and a half of how I feel about it. Greedy people fear the loss of money. Generous people feel good when they give it away. The event is the same - loss of capital. The feeling is different. That's why a wish is very personal. When I reach enough karmic points I'm on the road to achieving my wishes. But which wish comes first? It's a balance between the:

"most desirable and the most accessible" My mind is usually full of thousands of desires and wishes that need to be organized and put into order. The wish that I really feel is the most important, and most desirable, has to stand out from the rest and focus all my wish power on that and that alone.

One of the most important aspects of successful manifestation is highly focused and concentrated energy in the form of thought, visualization or imagination. Indeed, the more energy behind a manifestation the sooner it can materialize into the physical world as an observable reality. I use my imagination, and picture my goal vividly with great detail, and think about it every day. I imagine the color, the smell, the associated sounds to form that goal into my passion with a burning desire. So after pushing up my personal karma into a higher positive mode, I guarantee success by focusing my wish, and embedding that desire into my subconscious mind using hypnosis. The Shamanic Chill Meditative music helps me to relax, transport my mind into a dreamy world, and enter a mild trance-like state where I can reenforce my personal goals and desires. When my karma has reached a harmonious positive mode then what I constantly think about will eventually come my way. "Cogito Ergo Sum" (I think therefore I am) : Descartes. Amazing benefits can be achieved by engraving messages deep into my mind by playing back recorded phrases during sleep, and I always put my affirmations in the positive mode, because the words; "not, no, cant, wont, cannot, never, etc." usually create problems for the subconscious mind. I cleaned up my negative karma and earned lots of good luck by being the cause of a positive action towards other people. Even a tiny piece of help often has a domino effect, and can produce wondrous benefits.

If just one person changes his way to live e.g. becomes a millionaire or cures an old illness or falls deeply in love, then I will be part of his savior and a part of that cause, so the effect will be my reward.

To really get the wheels turning I think about ways to change peoples lives, things that have long lasting results, and as my theory spreads, and more people will benefit by changing their lives, positive instant karma bounces back to me. I plant my seed that grows and benefits others, then wait for it to bounce back to me multiplied in the form of "karmic points", a chain reaction that multiplies indefinitely, helping people to help themselves, with it's snowball effect that just keeps growing bigger.


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