Mp3s for Thunder


Phobia: Thunder

this self-hypnosis program will help you to analyze your feelings when confronted with the sound of thunder and help you to understand that the danger is probably not very probable. Self-hypnosis will convert your negative thoughts and change your state into relaxation and peace, allowing you to conceive the sound as mild with low volume. From now on you'll feel so relaxed and tranquil, and may even enjoy the amazing sounds of nature.




At the end of the sessions there are various affirmations to be repeated. eg.

*each day I am losing my fear of thunder.

*each time I hear a thunder I remain calm and relaxed.

*when I am near a thunder I breath with my diaphragm.

Self hypnosis can give you strength to confront whatever it is you're afraid of directly. Change the way you think and you change the way you act. You can control your thoughts. Since you're only able to consciously think about one thing at a time, only allow positive thoughts to go through your mind. Whenever a negative thought or fear enters, simply choose to stop it right in its tracks and immediately change that thought to something positive.

Self hypnosis can program positive thoughts into your subconscious mind every single day. This is the best way to change the picture of fear into one of victory.