Mp3s to Quit Spending


Autosuggestions to Quit Spending

Sometimes people may go shopping to fill an emptiness, or a feeling of incompleteness.

Signals all around us may give us false messages. These false signals from publicity, or friends, maybe make us feel or be seen as more important, successful, lovable, or complete. Sometimes we spend to get that successful feeling, instead of increasing our own self esteem.

Quit Shopping Addiction 

But this spending habit was all part of your past. Now today and from now on you have the opportunity to overcome this habit, and spend less and less. Each day you will become more conscious about overspending, and learn more and more about real true self values and self worth.

You'll realize that clothing, shoes, and accessories only serve as a false image, while just one look into the eyes and most people will be able to know what type of person you are.

You'll understand how important it is to build real self esteem and self worth on factors that really do count in life.

You know how materialism is just a false sense of self esteem that often turns negative. You'll prefer to build your self esteem and self worth by increasing your real values, to build yourself up into a caring, loving, wise, helpful, respectful person, and this new personality will flow out of your body in the form of expressions, voice, gestures, eye movements.

Quit Wasting Money

Less Shopping

People around you will subconsciously see your new attitude to life and others, gaining respect and better relations. Your new self image will be of enormous benefit in making new friends and business, new friends, and boosting your image to all those around you. You'll appreciate the real genuine feelings in life such as listening to music, jokes, humor, art, making friends, helping others, and being nice, polite, respectful, proud and full of charisma.

You'll be much more prepared when you need to go out shopping, the high that you may have experienced in your past while spending has been replaced with self esteem, worth and self value which you achieve by constantly thinking about your positive values.