

Right or Left Brain Test



She spins to the right
She spins to the left
spins both ways
Left brained
Right brained



How fast can you see the man turn his head?

the faster = more right brain




I must add now that scientists have discovered that we actually use both hemispheres all the time, and even thought that one side may seem more dominant than the other, the most important factor is that both sides are in harmony with perfect communication between the two.

There are psycopaths who seem more left brained and sociopaths who seem more right brain dominant. The problem with these people is that they don't have good connections between the two sides. For example if we are in a heated argument then our right brain is taking over and we may enter the fight or flight stage, to produce negative results, while if we then use a little bit of our left brain by taking a rest, time to think (20 mins) then we can probably make a more sensible peaceful solution or agree to disagree but without the excess of insults, or shouting or violence.

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