Mp3s for Stimulation


Hypnotic Stimulant

Sometimes we just feel tired for no special reason, and sometimes we need a pick up, but the side effects of drugs are just not worth it. Now you have the chance to use this natural powerful stimulant.

If you have to compete in a sporting event then just listen to this and boost your adrenaline. If you have to study or take an exam then listen to this hypnosis audio to boost your brain, become alert and awake, stimulated and refreshed.

Natural Mental Brain Stimulant using hypnosis

If you have a business meeting, a new date, or just feel like a jolt of electric up the butt then listen to this audio and put yourself into turbo mode, fast, speedy, quick thinking, wide awake and ready to take on the world. Contains numerous hypnotic affirmations to take you into a deep enough trance to make dramatic changes in your subconscious mind. Not only will you feel stimulated and alert but always more positive, optimistic, and happy. Excellent product for learning and study because your mind will feel more alert and concentrated.




My list of natural brain stimulants
  • cheese (high in the amino tyrosine)
  • soy
  • broad beans (fava) (high amount of l-dopa)
  • apple juice
  • vitamin E
  • resveratrol (especially under the tongue dissolved in rum or chocolate)
  • ginseng
  • raw eggs
  • choline
  • l-tyrosine (amino acid)
  • creatine (amino acid)
  • high protein, low carb diet (carbs increase serotonin = relaxation)
  • chocolate
  • carnitine
  • vitamin D2
  • thiamine (B1)
  • omega 3 fat
  • zinc
  • coconut oil


Real Testimonials after listening to the Paul's programs

Hey, my? headache is gone~ that is awesome!!! Hypnosis is also physical.

I started laughing uncontrollably a bit into this... now I'm tingly... what? is this?

This stuff is awesome, really helps me sleep, AND helps? Lucid Dreaming too. It's AWESOME!

I jizzed in my pants!? I'm so stimulated and full of energy


i feel tingly? :D

nice, I use self hypnosis daily now.

not even ten seconds into it i started laughing for no reason AH!! this is soooo cool!?

its weird when I listened to this it started to feel like I could breathe through my skin.

what the f**k ?? Hypnosis Actually Works!

Very nice : )

wow this works! my heart just sped right up and I felt the adrenaline lol

uhmm ok, it works, but not because? of the sounds I just heard, but because of the voice, lol that was a surprise lol and yeah, adrenaline started lol

I tell ya what this does? actually works cool thank u

Wow I felt as though I was in an avalanche trying to run? from it XD

I was falling apart in the morning and this helped me :D?

Love the energy .? Well done. Namaste

I can't stop smiling! This filled me? with intense amounts of ecstatic joy.

Try this hypnosis with Red Bull energy drink. It totally works.

Wow. Perhaps it's simply a matter of being susceptible to the suggestion that this will make me feel more awake,? but I have to say it seems to have worked. I never would have expected that.


LMAOL TOTALLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!? haha

LOL! Yes it does! :-P

lmao this is really cool, thank you :)?

AHHH!! OMG!? BY MY ALL CAPS U CAN TELL I AM HYPER!!!!! Ugh. Shouldn't have listened before bed... Thanks Paul!

very good? indeed

Holy Crap!? Thank you for this!!

Whoa that's some good stuff. Just what I? needed. Thanks Paul C. Joy!

ok wow it works who needs Redbull. I need more? thanks.

As with all Binaural audio, listen without expectation and you shall receive, if you have not already heard. If you have then it will simply reinforce the previous experience. You get out what you put in.

I'm not gonna lie but I gotta boner? listening to this I don't know why but I did

This works, I listen before going to work and gives me a short? boost, then my mind tries to replay it and I go out of control with a lot more energy.

I'm working towards my PharmD and I've yet to get a "high" from things like codeine, not even caffeine affects me. I am critical of pills, coming from a future pharmacist, weird I know. but clinically they have been proven to work, same with this audio.

I feel like I want to start? dancing now.

Hypnosis with binaural beats is so effective for stimulation, energy and alertness

focuses my ADHD. feel like I can do math all? night.

Didn't give me adrenaline but It woke me up I was tired? lol neat.

its designed to make Your brain alert and awake. Absolutely amazing stuff.

That's cool. Nice rush? :D

A screamer is guarantied to give you an adrenaline rush.

I just put on some earphones and listened to this and I got an amazing adrenaline rush.

yes? this stuff work, and it lasts for two days, thanks

This is? crazy... but totally works.

More Information:


Study y motivation


Memory Boost

Mind stimulant

Speed reading



other sites:

psychologytoday.com how-improve-your-memory

