Mp3s for Kleptomania


Hypnosis for Kleptomania

Regain your self-respect with hypnotherapy

Greed is one of the most negative traits in the world and is the cause of many wars, murders, theft, drugs, and over-abuse.

with the help of self hypnosis and deep trance you'll soon understand how important it is to build real self esteem and self worth on factors that really do count in life.

Materialism is just a false sense of self-esteem that often turns negative. Much better to build your self-esteem and self-worth by increasing your real values, and build yourself up into a caring, loving, wise, helpful, respectful person.

This new personality will flow out of your body in the form of expressions, voice, gestures, and eye movements. You will gain a more positive charisma and aura, and people will notice this.

People around you will subconsciously see your new attitude to life, gaining respect and better relations. Your new self image will be of enormous benefit in making new friends and business, and boosting your image to all those around you.

After listening to the self hypnosis audios you'll appreciate the real genuine feelings in life, being nice, polite, respectful, proud and full of charisma, with a great desire to be honest, sincere, truthful and respectful.

  You may understand the famous phrase that what goes around comes around. Almost all people who steal will find themselves paying back their debts one day. People who steal leave a bad impression deep inside their subconscious minds, this bad impression is a form of guilt waiting to manifest later on in life. On the other hand being generous and helpful to others often causes great feelings of satisfaction and happiness.