Mp3s for Dating


Hypnosis to Seduce Men

We all go through those moments when we are about to approach a nice man, or a hot hunk says hello and we just freeze up, or we start to say silly phrases. Sometimes we even know exactly what to say but we simply give off a negative image. Our expressions and gestures are mostly automatic and they often give us away. It's not worth trying to impress someone using false tales and lies, because most people just know when someone is not being sincere. Our micro-expresiones and facial movements often show any dishonesty. This popular and effective program will boost your confidence, and self-esteem, and feel happy and outgoing. You'll increase your sociability and become an extrovert when necessary.

Self help for Seduction

Self hypnosis is the most effective technique for dating guys. Sometimes, in a timid first date we may make mistakes, say stupid things, become nervous, the misuse of gestures, and sometimes we do all the right things, but our subconscious mind gives off a negative signal, and bad messages.

We can appear as pompous or big-headed, or even arrogant, even though we maybe quite the opposite. Sometimes a woman may automatically put on a defensive attitude, and this will ward away shy men.

The most important aspect of dating men is to become friendly, caring, sociable, and attractive. Beauty can be portrayed using your eyes, your gestures and your expressions even though one may appear unattractive or not very photogenic.


Thousands of gestures that are really beyond our control, and our brain can interpret them very quickly, even though we emit these signals without even knowing it. ..... too many beautiful women are struggling to get out and connect, they come across problems when trying to seduce a man simply because beauty is just a little help, and without a pleasant personality, it becomes nothing, or perhaps a quick chat and goodbye. Sometimes two people are not compatible and it's important to read these signs, to know exactly when to express your desire or to just move on without wasting time.

Reading the Signs

After using my system you'll have a greater accuracy for reading the sings and to send out your own subliminal messages of love and attraction. You'll be using your body-language to your advantage which is much more complicated than just a few hand signals. Our subconscious mind is capable of scanning, data and information by receiving, transmitting and processing to judge each person.


seduction and attract women




Seduce men



Take away that shyness, and burst in there with an attractive self esteem, full of charm, and seduction power. The art of flirting on a downloadable MP3, CD. Powerful inductions plus the best and tried techniques for flirting and attracting men. Soon you'll be using your new socializing skills, to become more sociable, and approachable.


The art of flirting can be significantly improved using self hypnosis trance therapy in various ways. The main dating factor are the subliminal secret or unconscious messages given off via the eyes, facial gestures, posture, smell, voice, walk, and hundreds of other hidden forms. To meet the perfect man, boy, guy, etc. these subliminal messages, as well as lots of booming self-assurance and self-esteem can help enormously. To attract a perfect woman the trance hypnosis MP3 will reprogram your mind and aura to become a flirting maestro. The attraction of the perfect mate is complicated and depends on many factors, e.g. the power to give off a sincere honest image, a dependable, intelligent, witty, and friendly. Hypnosis is the best way to achieve the best techniques for flirting. The power to attract men on a date can be enhanced with hypnotic suggestions. Eye Contact is also very important for flirting; the subconscious mind can communicate quite well with the eyes and gestures, facial expressions and posture.


You can meet people anywhere there are people. If you are trying to meet somebody in a cafe, the supermarket, or a bar the basic rule is the same. Let the other person know that you are interested in getting to know them. Most people will not mind being approached, they will find it flattering, and even if they are not interested in taking the approach further, will generally be polite and good humored about it, simply introduce yourself, with a smile. Smiles tend to elicit smiles. Your mood or is very important when you set out to flirt. You need to make sure that you feel self-love, because that will inspire confidence in the other person. When you feel good about yourself you will make the other person feel good too and you will seem attractive as a result. The wonderful thing about complimenting someone is that everyone loves receiving them, they make you feel good and you can never be annoyed with the person offering you one. It makes them feel good and it will make you feel good. The more relaxed you become about it the better. Shyness, is better than being cocky, and tends to work much better at creating closeness. It's far better to convey a genuine sentiment of what is happening at the time than some clever one liner. There is quite simply nothing attractive, and more likely to create intimacy and success on a date than whispering, but of course only works well in quite places.


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