Mp3s for Hypersexuality



Now is your time to boost your own self esteem and normalize your levels of dopamine. Now you can start a new fresh life without being dependent on sex. you'll have more time for more important things and above all more time for yourself for living your life naturally.

You'll have more self control, self discipline to beat the addiction, motivated to keep on the right path. Now you will control your body instead of letting the desires and urges control you, you'll be free again.


Hypnotherapy for Sexual Addictions

Hypersexuality is fairly common, but usually a secret addiction. Hypersexuality can be compared to a drug/alcohol addiction, or even a food addiction. After a few years your body becomes addicted to the dopamine and endorphin release associated with sexual pleasure. This addiction becomes so strong that our own body starts to stop producing dopamine unless we have sex. It takes at least three months of abstention to recover a normal healthy balance of hormones, so this is where self-hypnosis can help to boost our strength and self-control, and to carry us through the first difficult stage.