

Understanding Hypnosis

Hypnosis or self-hypnosis only works if the person accepts and allows it to work. It is important to use only suggestions that are acceptable to the person hypnotized while in a trance. When we are in a hypnotic trance, the conscious mind is much more active than in the normal state, which is why we must take a positive attitude.

All hypnosis is by nature self-hypnosis. The work of the hypnotist is to guide the person during the process, but hypnosis is something very, very personal and only you can decide to enter into this state or not. By allowing new information in the form of suggestions into the subconscious mind and by replacing the existing information we will reject any suggestion that it is perceived as a threat to us. (we would simply wake up)

Everything we have learned since we are born, and perhaps before that, is stored in our subconscious mind, and every experience is there. Every sound, smell, taste, and word is all recorded similar to a hard drive but with a tremendous amount of storage space. This memory is not responsible for our actions, but stores the information enabling it to establish our beliefs and habits, so I suppose we could consider our conscious mind similar to the Ram of a computer.

Some call it the Long Term Memory. The beliefs are the result of our life experiences. Experiences that are perceived according to their influence on us, the people around us, including our family. Today, that influence can come from media, including television, radio, games, etc. All this will create an expectation about how life should be.

Habits automatically respond to different situations or circumstances. If you have the habit of smoking a cigarette after a meal, then you will, almost automatically, and you won't feel very bad about it. Once we managed to evade the resistance of the subconscious we can generate an immediate change in beliefs and habits which will result in changes in our emotions and behavior. The emotions are generated in the subconscious, including the emotions generated by our perception of what is happening to us now, right now, or what we've done in the past or what we do in the future.

Every emotion we have experienced is here, but we do not consciously realize it, the subconscious mind responds to these emotions physically. No matter how old we are, no matter how many experiences we have, the subconscious mind will store all our experiences unless you have a brain injury due to illness or trauma. 

It is important to understand that many of the habits and beliefs that are rooted in our subconscious is the result of information that the subconscious has received but not necessarily corresponding with reality, or at least with the reality that we think at a conscious level. An example is the fact that people smoke on a conscious level and say they do because they are calm and relaxed. However, if we look in detail will find that most people smoke because at some point in their lives, adolescents may need to be accepted in a given group and smoking was a way to seek acceptance and security, which generates they belong to a group or social circle.

As you can see the reasons that give us the conscious mind are not always original. We just search our database that is stored in the subconscious mind and we can locate the original reasons for a particular habit or behavior. The Conscious Mind is our analytical mind. It's specialty is to detect problems, analyze actions in response to problems. This part helps us to operate daily in our social circle, work, home. The conscious mind is least of all suggestible, which is why many hypnotists use "tricks" to demonstrate to the conscious mind that the person is in a hypnotic state.

When we are immersed in the hypnotic state we are still conscious, very different from what people had always believed. However, in states of hypnosis or self-hypnosis we can feel a profound impact on our conscious awareness, experiencing hallucinations or temporary changes in our beliefs.

Some of the functions of the conscious mind in relation to hypnosis :

Critical Factor. It rejects the information based on what is in the conscious mind. Only in a very deep state of hypnosis can this work with the conscious mind suggestions.

Protective function.

This act immediately let's us see that something is dangerous, and also rejects any suggestion that it is not considered safe.

Focus. The conscious mind is part of our state of consciousness, it can focus on a time, place or problem. Its main focus is on this, but can easily go back to retrieve information stored in the subconscious or perceive the future and be creative using information from the past and present.

Critical Thinking is consistent with the beliefs of the individual, critical thinking is used when necessary and can be improved with education and training, to solve our problems, it is logical, analytical and rational.

The ability of the conscious mind is quite small compared with the extraordinary ability of the subconscious, and can only keep six to nine bits of information at the same time.