


Hypnosis alters the brain

8 men see color where none exists!

People have been hypnotized to see color where only shades of gray exist, and to see gray when actually looking at bright colorful rectangles, from a tightly controlled scientific experiment done at a Harvard University medical facility. Researchers hypnotized eight people as they lay in a scanner that recorded activity in their brains. These subjects then tried to drain bright color from pictures, or see color where none exist. They also attempted to do the same thing when not hypnotized. The records of cerebral activity clearly show that hypnosis did change the state of the brain. "Hypnosis has a contentious history," notes Stephen Kosslyn, professor of psychology at Harvard and leader of the study. "Some insist it's a state of mind that differs from normal states and involves unique consequences; others say it's nothing more than state-show gimmickry." When hypnotized, some people see only shades of gray in this pattern of brightly colored rectangles. Such a result shows that a state of hypnosis can change the state of the brain. e.g.. , if you give some men an 1 kg weight and ask them to hold it at arm's length for as long as they can, they will be able to do it for about 4 minutes. But if you hypnotize them, they will hold it out for 15 minutes. That result favors the idea that hypnotism creates an amazing unique state of mind.


How the brain can change:

Hypnotism is controversial among scientists, Both Kosslyn and Thompson emphasize that the experiment worked only on "highly hypnotizable" subjects, a category that includes only about 10 percent of all people. "We tested 125 persons and for those who scored lowest in hypnotizability, the results were too low,"

The highly hypnotic subjects slid horizontally into a positron emission tomography (PET) scanner. They inhaled a short-lived, slightly radioactive type of oxygen. The oxygen traces blood flow and makes visible the most active parts of the brain when a subject is hypnotized and not hypnotized. It took between two and ten minutes to hypnotize the people while they lay in the scanner. A computer screen overhead then presented them with a pattern of yellow, red, blue, and green rectangles, similar to a painting by the Dutch artist Piet Mondrian. They tried to "drain" the color from what they saw on the screen while the PET scanner recorded their brain activity. Under the same conditions, they saw the rectangles in various shades of gray and had to color them with their minds.

When not under hypnosis, people asked to perceive color – whether they actually saw color or not – showed activity on only the right side of their brains. (The brain is split into right and left hemispheres by a furrow filled with nerve fibers that connect the two halves.) When told to see gray, whether looking at color or gray, again changes in activity occurred on the right side only.

That result was expected on the basis of previous research. However, under hypnotism the researchers found that both the left and right hemispheres responded. In other words, the right side of the brain alone responded to what the subjects saw when they were not hypnotized, but both sides responded under hypnosis.

The left hemisphere color area registered what people were told to see only when they were hypnotized. The right hemisphere registered what people were told to see [independently of what they actually saw] whether or not they were hypnotized . If you ask people [who are not hypnotized] to visualize color in a gray pattern, or vice versa, only the right hemisphere is activated during the task. Thus, our findings in the left hemisphere could not have been produced by mental imagery alone.

What we have shown for the first time, is that hypnosis changes conscious experience in a way not possible when we are not under hypnosis.


How hypnosis works:

Why the hemispheric differences? The right hemisphere is more sensitive to goals and expectations. This part of the brain finds it easier to reinterpret sensory experience to match the images a person wants to perceive – to see color where none exists, or to color a gray palette. This idea fits with the fact that, in most people, the left side deals more with logic and reason, so may require an extra boost from hypnosis to disassociate itself from the senses, i.e., to change what is actually seen.

Such disassociation of senses, may account for the success of hypnosis in reducing pain and anxiety, combating insomnia, and helping some people to quit smoking. Pain, anxiety, insomnia, and smoking, might be reduced by the same type of brain activity that allows some people to drain color from brilliantly hued rectangles.

Highly hypnotic subjects apparently would be better at this than most people or those who show the lowest levels of submission, after studying the brain differences between high and low hypnotic subjects. So far, we found that the middle-part of a brain area called the cingulate gyrus shows more activity in the highs than lows. This area deals with attention and emotion.

Does changing a brain by hypnosis mean hypnotic subjects can gain more control over what are normally involuntary functions of the brain – responses to stress, regulation of hormones, control of the immune system, for instance? Maybe. David Spiegel of Stanford University School of Medicine, who collaborated on the color experiments, is interested in the possibility of bolstering the body's defenses against disease by psychological means that might include hypnosis. Evidence exists that strengthening these defenses may reduce the rate of growth of cancer tumor.

At this point, anything beyond changing color perception is pure speculation. However, this study is "the thin edge of a wedge that shows that conscious experience can be changed in a willfully directed way by hypnosis."